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Distinguished Professor
Chia-Lin Chang ( 張嘉玲 )
Academic Background
PhD (Economics), Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Industrial Organization, Empirical Finance, Energy Finance, Climate Finance
886-4-22840350 ext 309
Present Academic Positions :
Lifetime University Distinguished Professor, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
Director, Agriculture Policy Research Center, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, from 05/2017.
Professor, Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 02/2012.
Professor, Department of Finance, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 2/2012.
Editor, Taiwan Journal of Applied Economics (Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) (TSSCI), from 08/2016.
Elected Fellow, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2012.
Research Fellow, Complutense Institute of Economic Analysis (ICAE), Department of Quantitative Economics, Complutense University of Madrid (founded 1293), Spain, from 11/2011.
Distinguished Research Associate, Faculty of Economic and Financial Science, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, from 06/2014.
Course :
2005 -             Principles of Statistics
2005 -             Principles of Econometric
2005-2007       Mathematics for Economics
2005-2006       Industrial Analysis for Taiwan

2005-             International Economics
2005-             Advanced Microeconomics
2005-2007     Advanced Microeconomics 3A
2005-2007     Strategic Management Theory
2016~            Asia Economy (Tricontinental Master Program in Global Studies)

2006-               International Economics
2009-               Management Economics
2007-2008      Industrial Economics and Development Strategy
Previous Academic Positions:

Vice-President for International Affairs, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 8/2020 ~ 7/2023
Chair, Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 8/2016 to 7/2020.
University Distinguished Professor III, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 8/2020 ~7/2022
University Distinguished Professor III, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 8/2017 ~7/2020
University Distinguished Professor II, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 8/2014 to 7/2016.

Fellowships Elected Fellow, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2012.
Editor, Taiwan Journal of Applied Economics (Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) (TSSCI), from 08/2016~.
Executive Editor, Taiwan Journal of Applied Economics (Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) (TSSCI), from 08/2009 to 07/2016.
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 2/2009 to 1/2012.
Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 10/2010 to 1/2012.
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, from 8/2005 to 1/2009.

Honors and Awards:
University Merit Award for Excellent Teaching Team Project, June 2021
Biennial Medal, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ), December 2015.
Outstanding Reviewer Award for 2013-2015, Energy Economics (Elsevier), May 2015.
College Prize for Teacher appraisal, National Chung Hsing University, July 2014.
Best Paper Award, 2014 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Taiwan, May 2014
University Prize for Excellent Researcher (Top 10), May 2012
College Prize for Excellent Researcher (Top 3), August 2012
University Prize for Distinguished Teaching Award (Level 1), November 2012
College Prize for Excellent Supervisor, August 2008
University Prize for Best Supervisor, September 2008
Research Areas:
- Industrial organization
- Innovation strategies
- Science and technology policy
- Taiwan industry and economy
- Economic development in Asia
- International trade agreements
- Risk analysis and management
- Agricultural finance
- Tourism research
- Empirical finance
- Energy economics and finance
- Climate economics and finance
- Ranking international journals
Ph.D. Thesis:
Essays in the Economics Of Innovation: An Application to the Case of Taiwan , PhD dissertation, Department of Economics, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, June 2004, pp.189.
Book Publications:
1. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and D. Slottje, “Modelling International Tourist Arrivals and Volatility: An Application to Taiwan", in D. Slottje (ed.), Quantifying Consumer Preferences, Contributions to Economic Analysis Series, Volume 288, Emerald Group Publishing, 2009, chapter 11, pp. 303-320.

2. 鄭佳宜與張嘉玲,2019,「短期預報應用–颱風」,申雍(主編),農業氣象觀測及應用手冊,214-227,台中:國立中興大學環境保育暨防災科技研究中心。(Chinese version only)
3. 張嘉玲與王玉安,2019,「農作物產銷平衡分析」,申雍(主編),農業氣象觀測及應用手冊,228-250,台中:國立中興大學環境保育暨防災科技研究中心。(Chinese version only)

4. Chang, C. L. and S. H. Huang, 2021, “Identifying the Poor: Characteristics of Low-Income Households in Taiwan”, in Ching, M. H., eds, The Origin and Solution of Current Inequality in Taiwan: A Cross Boundary Dialogue (Review of Social Sciences), 175-220, Taipei: Wu-Nan Book Inc.
Journal Publications:
1. Chang, C.-L. and S. Robin, 2006, “Doing R&D and/or Importing Technologies: The Critical Importance of Firm Size in Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industries”, Review of Industrial Organization (Springer), 2006, 29, pp. 253-278. [ISI impact factor: 1.2 (2022)] .

2. Chang, C.-L. and S. Robin, 2008, “Public Policy, Innovation and Total Factor Productivity: An Application to Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industry”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 2008, 79, pp.352-367. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

3. Yang, Y.-L. and C.-L. Chang, 2008, “A Double Threshold GARCH Model of Stock Market and Currency Shocks on Stock Returns”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 79, pp.458-474. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

4. 張嘉玲,2008,「新歐盟共同農業政策簡介-永續農業的展望」, 興大農業第 64期, p29-30,國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院農業推廣中心編印。

5. Huang, B.-W., M.-G. Chen, C.-L. Chang and M. McAleer, 2009, “Modelling risk in agricultural finance: application to the poultry industry in Taiwan”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 2009, 79, 1472-1487. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

6. Lim, C., C.-L. Chang and M. McAleer, 2009, “Forecasting H(M)otel Guest Nights in New Zealand”, International Journal of Hospitality Management (Elsevier), 28, pp.228-235. [ISI impact factor: 11.7 (2022)].

7. Chang, C.-L., S. Sriboonchitta and A. Wiboonpongse, 2009, “Modelling and Forecasting Tourism from East Asia to Thailand under Temporal and Spatial Aggregation”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 2009, 79, 1730-1744. ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

8. Chang, C.-L. and L. Oxley, 2009, “Industrial Agglomeration, Geographic Innovation and Total Factor Productivity: The Case of Taiwan”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 2009, 79, 2787-2796. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

9. Kuo, H.-I, C.-L. Chang, B.-W. Huang, C.-C. Chen and M. McAleer, 2009, “Estimating the Impact of Avian Flu on International Tourism Demand Using Panel Data”, Tourism Economics (IP Publishing), 2009, 15(3), 501-511. [ISI impact factor: 4.4 (2022)].

10. Chang, C.-L., and M. McAleer, 2009, “Daily Tourist Arrivals, Exchange Rates and Volatility for Korea and Taiwan”, Korean Economic Review, 2009, 25, 241-267. [SJR impact factor 0.24(2020)].

11. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and R. Thansuchat, 2009, “Modelling Conditional Correlations for Risk Diversification in Crude Oil Markets”, Journal of Energy Markets (Risk.net), 2010, 2(4), 1-23.[EconLit and Scopus].

12. McAleer M, B.-W. Huang, H.-I Kuo, C.-C. Chen and C.-L. Chang, 2010, “An Econometric Analysis of SARS and Avian Flu on International Tourist Arrivals to Asia”, Environmental Modelling and Software (Elsevier), 2010, 25, 100-106. [ISI impact factor: 4.9 (2022)].

13. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and R. Tansuchat, 2010, “Analyzing and Forecasting Volatility Spillovers, Asymmetries and Hedging in Major Oil Markets”, Energy Economics (Elsevier), 2010, 32, 1445-1455. [ISI impact factor: 12.8 (2022)].

14. Chang, C.-L., B.-W. Huang, M.-G. Chen and M. McAleer, 2011, “Modelling the Asymmetric Volatility in Hog Prices in Taiwan: The Impact of Joining the WTO”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 81(7), 1491-1506. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

15. Chang, C.-L., T. Khamkaew, M. McAleer and R. Tansuchat, 2011, “Interdependence of International Tourism Demand and Volatility in Leading ASEAN Destinations”, Tourism Economics (IP Publishing), 2011, 17(3), 481-507. [ISI impact factor: 4.4 (2022)].

16. Chang, C._L., M. McAleer and L. Oxley, 2011, “What Makes a Great Journal Great in Economics? The Singer Not the Song”, Journal of Economic Surveys (Wiley), 2011, 25(2), 326-361. [ISI impact factor: 5.3 (2022)].

17. Chang, C._L., M. McAleer and L. Oxley, 2011, “What Makes a Great Journal Great in the Sciences? Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?”, Scientometrics (Spinger), 87(1), 17-40. [ISI impact factor: 3.9 (2022)].

18. Chang, C._L., M. McAleer and L. Oxley, 2011, “Great Expectatrics; Great Papers, Great Journals, Great Econometrics”, Econometric Reviews (Taylor), 2017, 30(6), 583-619. [ISI impact factor: 1.2 (2022)]

19. 郭芝延、 張嘉玲, 2011, “台商赴中國大陸投資策略之決定因素”, 貿易調查叢刊, 22(1), 105-144, 經濟部貿易調查委員會出版.

20. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and R. Tansuchat, 2011, “Crude Oil Hedging Strategies Using Dynamic Multivariate GARCH”, Energy Economics, (Elsevier), 2011, 33(5), 912-92. [ISI impact factor: 12.8 (2022)].

21. Chang, C.-L., P. H. Franses and M. Michael, 2011, “How accurate are government forecasts of economic fundamentals? The case of Taiwan”, International Journal of Forecasting (Elsevier), 2-11, 27(4), 1066-1075. [ISI impact factor: 7.9 (2022)].

22. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and L. Oxley, 2011, “How are Journal Impact, Prestige and Article Influence Related? An Application to Neuroscience”, Journal of Applied Statistics (Taylor&Francis), 2011, 38(11), 2563-2573. [ISI impact factor: 1.5 (2022)].

23. Chang, C.-L., T.-C. Huang and M.-G. Chen, 2011, “Price Stabilization in the Taiwan Hog and Broiler Industries: Evidence from a STAR Approach”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 2011, 82(2), 213-219. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

24. Chang, C.-L., J.-A. Jimenez-Martin, M. McAleer and T. Perez-Amaral, 2011, “Risk management of risk under the Basel Accord: forecasting value-at-risk of VIX futures”, Managerial Finance (Emerald), 2011, 37(11), 1088-1106.

25. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2012, “Citations and Impact of ISI Tourism and Hospitality Journals”, Tourism Management Perspectives (Elsevier), 2012,  1(1), 2-8. [ISI impact factor: 8.7 (2022)].

26. Chang, C.-L., T. Khamkaew and M. McAleer, 2012, “IV Estimation of a Panel Threshold Model of Tourism Specialization and Economic Development”, Tourism Economics (IP Publishing), 2012, 18(1), 5-14 (ISI). [ISI impact factor: 4.4 (2022)]

27. Chang, C.-L. and S. Robin, 2012, "Knowledge sourcing and firm performance in an industrializing economy: The case of Taiwan (1992-2003)”, Empirical Economics (Springer), 2012, 42(3), 947-986. [ISI impact factor: 3.2 (2022)].

28. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2012, “Aggregation, Heterogeneous Autoregression and Volatility of Daily International Tourist Arrivals and Exchange Rates”, Japanese Economic Review (Wiley), 63(3), 397-419. [ISI impact factor: 1.2 (2022)].

29. Sari, R., S. M. Hammoudeh, C.-L, Chang, and M. McAleer, 2012, “Causality Between Market Liquidity and Depth for Energy and Grains”, Energy Economics (Elsevier), 34(5), 1683-1962. [ISI impact factor: 12.8 (2022)].

30. Chang, Chia-Lin, T. Khamkaew and M. McAleer, 2012, “Estimating Price Effects in an Almost Ideal Demand Model of Outbound Thai Tourism to East Asia”, Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality (1:3.10.4172/2324-8807.1000103), 2012, 1(3), 1-16. [ISI impact factor: 10.34 (2022)].

31. Chang, Chia-Lin, M. McAleer, and C. Lim, 2012, “Modelling the Volatility in Short and Long Haul Japanese Tourist Arrivals to New Zealand and Taiwan”, International Journal of Tourism Sciences (Taylor & Francis), 2012, 12(1), 1-24.

32. Chang, Chia-Lin, L.-H. Chen, S. M. Hammoudeh and M. McAleer, 2012, "Asymmetric Adjustments in the Ethanol and Grains Markets”, Energy Economics (Elsevier), 34(6), 1990-2002. [ISI impact factor: 12.8 (2022)].

33. Chang, Chia-Lin, P.H. Franses and M. McAleer, 2012, “Evaluating Individual and Mean Non-Replicable Forecasts”, Romanian Journal for Economic Forecasting (Institute for Economic Forecasting), 15(3), 22-43. [ISI impact factor: 0.756 (2019)].

34. Chang, Chia-Lin, M. McAleer and R. Tansuchat, 2012, “Modelling Long Memory Volatility in Agricultural Commodity Futures Returns”, Annals of Financial Economics (World Scientific), 7(2), 1-27. [ISI impact factor: 2.0 (2022)] (Emerging Sources Citation, ESC)

35. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and R. Tansuchat, 2013, “Conditional Correlations and Volatility Spillovers Between Crude Oil and Stock Index Returns”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier), 2013, 25, 116-138. [ISI impact factor: 3.6 (2022)].

36. Chang, C.-L., J.-A. Jimenez-Martin, M. McAleer and T. Perez-Amaral, 2013, “The Rise and Fall of S&P Variance Futures”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier), 2013, 25, 151-167. [ISI impact factor: 3.6 (2022)].

37. Hsieh C.-R., Y.-M. Liu and C.-L. Chang, 2013, “Endogenous Technological Change in Medicine and Its Impact on Healthcare Costs: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Market in Taiwan”, European Journal of Health Economics (Springer), 2013, 14(2), 287-295. [ISI impact factor: 4.4 (2022)].

38. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2013, “Ranking Journal Quality by Harmonic Mean of Ranks: An Application to ISI Statistics & Probability”, Statistica Neerlandica (Wiley-Blackwell), 2013, 67(1), 27-53. [ISI impact factor: 1.5 (2022)].

39. Hammoudeh, S. M., T. Liu, C.-L. Chang, and M. McAleer, 2013, “Risk Spillovers in Oil-related CDS, Stock and Credit Markets”, Energy Economics (Elsevier), 36(1), 526-535. [ISI impact factor: 12.8 (2022)].

40. 張嘉玲、黃素滿, 2013, 「確認貧窮的類別:台灣低收入家戶的特性」, 社會科學論叢, 7卷1期, 1 – 46, 政治大學社會科學學院出版 [EconLit] .

41. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2013, “What Do Experts Know About Forecasting Journal Quality? A Comparison with ISI Research Impact in Finance”, Annals of Financial Economics (World Scientific), 2013, 8(1), 1-30. [ISI impact factor: 2.0 (2022)] [ESCI and Scopus].

42. Chang, C.-L., S.-P. Chen and M. McAleer, 2013, “Globalization and Knowledge Spillover: International Direct Investment, Exports and Patents”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology (Taylor & Francis), 2013, 27(4), 329-352. [ISI impact factor: 3.3 (2022)].

43. Chang, C.-L., B. de Bruijn, P.H. Franses and M. McAleer, 2013, “Analyzing Fixed-Event Forecast Revisions”, International Journal of Forecasting (Elsevier), 2013, 29, 622-627. [ISI impact factor: 7.9 (2022)].

44. Chang, C.-L., P. H. Franses and M. McAleer, 2013, “Are Forecast Updates Progressive?”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 2013, 93, 9-18. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

45. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and L. Oxley, 2013, “Coercive Journal Self Citations, Impact Factor, Journal Influence and Article Influence”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 2013, 93, 190-197. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

46. Chang, C.-L., D.E. Allen, M. McAleer and T. Perez-Amaral, 2013,“Risk Modelling and Management: An Overview”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 2013, 94, 159-163. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

47. Chang, C.-L., L.G. Serrano and J.-À. Jiménez-Martin, 2013, “Currency Hedging Strategies Using Dynamic Multivariate GARCH”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 94, 164-182. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

48. Casarin, R., C.-L. Chang, J.-A. Jimenez-Martin, M. McAleer and T. Perez Amaral, 2013, “Risk Management of Risk under the Basel Accord: A Bayesian Approach to Forecasting Value-at-Risk of VIX Futures”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier), 94, 183-204. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

49. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2013, “Ranking Leading Econometrics Journals Using Citations Data from ISI and RePEc”, Econometrics (MDPI), 2013, 1(3), 217-235. [ISI impact factor:1.5 (2022)].

50. Chang, C.-L., D. E. Allen and M. McAleer, 2013, “Recent Developments in Financial Economics and Econometrics: An Overview”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier), 2013, 26, 217-226. [ISI impact factor: 3.6 (2022)].

51. Chang, C.-L., J.-C. Chang and Y.-W. Huang, 2013 “Dynamic Price Integration in the Global Gold Market”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier), 2013, 26, 227-235. [ISI impact factor: 3.6 (2022)].

52. Chang, C.-L., H.-K. Hsu and M. McAleer, 2013, “Is Small Beautiful? Size Effects of Volatility Spillovers for Firm Performance and Exchange Rates in Tourism”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier), 2013, 26, 519-534. [ISI impact factor: 3.6 (2022)].

53. Chang, C.-L., H.-K. Hsu and M. McAleer, 2014, “The Impact of China on Stock Returns and Volatility in the Taiwan Tourism Industry”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier), 2014, 29C, 381-401 (ISI). [ISI impact factor: 3.6 (2022)].

54. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2014, “How Should Journal Quality be Ranked? An Application to Agricultural, Energy, Environmental and Resource Economics”, Journal of Reviews on Global Economics (Lifescience Global), 2014, 3, 33-47.

55. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2014, “Ranking Economics and Econometrics ISI Journals by Quality Weighted Citations”, Review of Economics (De Gruyter Oldenbourg), 2014, 65(1), 35-52 [EconLit].

56. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2014, “Just How Good are the Top Three Journals in Finance? An Assessment Based on Quantity and Quality Citations”, Annals of Financial Economics (World Scientific), 2014, 9(1), 1-31 [ISI impact factor: 2.0 (2022)].

57. Chang, C.-L., S.-Y. Hu and S.-T. Yu, 2014, “Recent Developments in Quantitative Finance: An Overview”, Annals of Financial Economics (World Scientific), 2014, 9(2), 1-7 [ISI impact factor: 2.0 (2022)].

58. Chang, C.-L. and Y.-P. Ke, 2014, “Testing Price Pressure, Information, Feedback Trading, and Smoothing Effects for Energy Exchange Traded Funds”, Annals of Financial Economics (World Scientific), 2014, 9(2), 1-26 [EconLit].

59. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2015, “Bibliometric Rankings of Journals Based on the Thomson Reuters Citations Database”, Journal of Reviews on Global Economics (Lifescience Global), 2015, 4 120-125.

60. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2015, “Econometric Analysis of Financial Derivatives: An Overview”, Journal of Econometrics (Elsevier), 2015, 187(2), 403-407. [ISI impact factor: 6.3 (2022)].

61. Chang, C.-L., J.-A. Jiménez-Martín, E. Maasoumi, and T. Pérez-Amaral, 2015, “A Stochastic Dominance Approach to Financial Risk Management Strategies”, Journal of Econometrics (Elsevier), 2015, 187(2), 472-485. [ISI impact factor: 6.3 (2022)].

62. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2015, “Editorial Note and Statement of Intent: Journal of Health & Medical Economics”, Journal of Health & Medical Economics (Insight Medical Publishing, iMEdPub), 2015, 1(1:1), 1-2 [ISI impact factor: 0.43 (2022)].

63. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2015, “Research Ideas for the Journal of Health & Medical Economics: Opinion”, Journal of Health & Medical Economics (Insight Medical Publishing, iMEdPub), 2015, 1(1:4), 1-2 [ISI impact factor: 0.43 (2022)

64. Chang, C.-L., W.-C. Chen and M. McAleer, 2015, “Survival Analysis of Hospitalized Very Low Birth Weight Infant Mortality in Taiwan”, Journal of Health & Medical Economics (Insight Medical Publishing, iMEdPub), 2015, 1(1:5), 1-14 [ISI impact factor: 0.43 (2022).

65. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2015, “Quality Weighted Citations Versus Total Citations in the Sciences and Social Sciences”, Journal of Informatics and Data Mining (Insight Medical Publishing, iMEdPub), 2015, 1(1:3), 1-6.

66. Chang, C.-L., 2015, “Modelling a Latent Daily Tourism Financial Conditions Index”, International Review of Economics & Finance (Elsevier), 2015, 40C, 113-126. [ISI impact factor: 4.5 (2022)].

67. Chang, C.-L., E. Maasoumi and M. McAleer, 2016, “Robust Ranking of Journal Quality: An Application to Economics”, Econometric Reviews (Taylor & Francis), 2016, 35(1), 50-97. [ISI impact factor: 1.2 (2022)].

68. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2016,  “Quality Weighted Citations Versus Total Citations in the Sciences and Social Sciences, with An Application to Finance and Accounting”, Managerial Finance  (Emerald), 2016, 42(4), 324-337.
69. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer, and W.-K. Wong, 2016,“Behavioural, Financial, and Health & Medical Economics: A Connection”, Journal of Health & Medical Economics (Insight Medical Publishing, iMEdPub), 2016, 2(1:1), 1-4.
70. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer, and W.-K. Wong, 2016, “Management Science, Economics and Finance: A Connection”, International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences (Management Journals), 2016, 5(4), 358.[ISI impact factor: 13.38 (2022)].

71. Chang, C.-L. and R. Sukharomana, 2017, “Demand for Narcotics in Thailand, with Policy Implications”, Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2017, 6, 279-284.
72. Chang, C.-L., M. Asai and M. McAleer, 2017, “Realized Stochastic Volatility with General Asymmetry and Long Memory”, Journal of Econometrics (Elsevier), 2017, 199, 202-212. [ISI impact factor: 6.3 (2022)].

73. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2017, “Recent Topical Research on Global, Energy, Health & Medical, and Tourism Economics, and Global Software: An Overview”, Journal of Reviews on Global Economics (Lifescience Global), 2017, 6, 218-224.
74. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2017, “A Simple Test for Causality in Volatility”, Econometrics (MDPI, Open Access Journal),2017, 5(1), 1-5. [ISI impact factor: 1.5 (2022)].
75. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer, and  G.D. Zuo, 2017, “Volatility Spillovers and Causality of Carbon Emissions, Oil and Coal Spot and Futures for the EU and USA”, Sustainability (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2017, 9(10:1789), 1-21. [ISI impact factor: 3.9 (2022)].
76. Chang, C.-L., and M. McAleer*, 2017, “The Correct Regularity Condition and Interpretation of Asymmetry in EGARCH”, Economics Letters (Elsevier), (December), 161: 52-55 [ISI impact factor: 2 (2022)].

77. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer, and W.-A. Wang, 2018, “Modelling Volatility Spillovers for Bio-ethanol, Sugarcane and Corn Spot and Futures Prices”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 2018, 81(1), 1002-1018. [ISI impact factor: 15.9 (2022)].
78. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer, and C.-H. Wang, 2018, “An Econometric Analysis of ETF and ETF Futures in Financial and Energy Markets Using Generated Regressors”, International Journal of Financial Studies (MDPI), 2018, 6(1:2), 2018, 1-24. [ISI impact factor: 2.3 (2022)].
79. Allen, D., C.-L. Chang, M. McAleer and A. Singh, 2018, “A Cointegration Analysis of Agricultural, Energy and Bio-fuel Spot, and Futures Prices”, Applied Economics (Taylor&Francis), 2018, 50(7), 804-823. [ISI impact factor: 2.2 (2022)].
80. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and Y.-C. Wu, 2018, “A Statistical Analysis of Industrial Penetration and Internet Intensity in Taiwan”, Future Internet (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 10(3:31), 2018, 1-26. [ISI impact factor: 3.4 (2022)].
81. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and W.K. Wong, 2018, “Big Data, Computational Science, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, and Psychology: Connections”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2018, 11(1:15),1-29.

82. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and Y. Wang, 2018, “Testing Co-volatility Spillovers for Natural Gas Spot, Futures and ETF Spot Using Dynamic Conditional Covariances”, Energy (Elsevie), 2018, 151, 984-997. [ISI impact factor: 9 (2022)].
83. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and J.-T. Tang, 2018, “Joint and Cross-border Patents as Proxies for International Technology Diffusion”, the International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (World Scientific), 2018, 15(02), 1-29. [ISI impact factor: 1.8 (2022)].
84. Chang, C.-L., Y.-Y. Li and M. McAleer, 2018, “Volatility Spillovers Between Energy and Agricultural Markets: A Critical Appraisal of Theory and Practice”, Energies (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2018, 11(6:1595), 1-19. [ISI impact factor: 3.2 (2022)].
85. Chang, C.-L., J. Ilomäki, H. Laurila, and M. McAleer, 2018, “Long Run Returns Predictability and Volatility with Moving Averages”, Risks (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 6(4:105), 2018, 1-18.  [ISI impact factor: 2.2 (2022)].
86. Chang, C.-L., S.-H. Hsu and M. McAleer, 2018, "An Event Study Analysis of Political Events, Disasters and Accidents for Chinese Tourists to Taiwan”, Sustainability (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2018, 10(11:4307), 1-77.  [ISI impact factor: 3.9 (2022)].

87. Chang, C.-L.,T.-K. Mai and M. McAleer, 2018, "Pricing Carbon Emissions in China”, Annals of Financial Economics (World Scientific), 2018, 13(3), 1-37.  [ISI impact factor: 2.0 (2022)].

88. Chang, C.-L., J. Ilomaki, H. Laurila and M. McAleer, 2018, “Moving Average Market Timing in European Energy Markets: Production versus Emissions”, Energies (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2018, 11(12:3281), 1-24. [ISI impact factor: 3.2 (2022)].
89. Caporin, M. C.-L. Chang and M. McAleer, 2019, “Are the S&P 500 Index and Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Ethanol Futures Related for Intra-Day Data?”, International Review of Economics and Finance (Elsevier), 2019, 59, 50-70. [ISI impact factor: 4.5 (2022)].
90. Chang, C.-L., J.-A. Jiménez-Martín, E. Maasoumi, M. McAleer and T. Pérez-Amaral, 2019, “Choosing Expected Shortfall over VaR in Basel III Using Stochastic Dominance”, International Review of Economics and Finance, 2019(March), 60, 95-113. [ISI impact factor: 4.5 (2022)].
91. T.-K. Mai and M. McAleer, 2019, “Establishing National Carbon Emission Prices for China”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 2019(May), 106, 1-16. [ISI impact factor: 15.9 (2022)].
92. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2019, “The Fiction of full BEKK: Pricing Fossil Fuels and Carbon Emissions”, Finance Research Letters (Elsevier), 2019(March), 28, 11-19. [ISI impact factor: 10.4 (2022)].
93. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and J.R. Tian, 2019, "Modeling and Testing Volatility Spillovers in Oil and Financial Markets for the USA, the UK, and China", Energies (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2019(April), 12(8:1475), 1-27. [ISI impact factor: 3.2 (2022)].
94. Chang, C.-L., S.-H. Hsu and M. McAleer, 2019, “Risk Spillovers in Returns for Chinese and International Tourists to Taiwan”, Journal of Travel Research (SAGE), 2019(July), 59, 335-351. [ISI impact factor: 8.9 (2022)].
95. Chang, C.-L., C.-P. Liu and M. McAleer, 2019, “Volatility Spillovers for Spot, Futures, and ETF Prices in Agriculture and Energy”, Energy Economics (Elsevier), 2019(June), 81, 779-792. [ISI impact factor: 12.8 (2022)].
96. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer and D.-K. Nguyen, 2019, “US Antidumping Petitions and Revealed Comparative Advantage of Shrimp Exporting Countries”, Reviews in Aquaculture (Wiley), 2019(August), 11(3), 782-792  [ISI impact factor: 10.4 (2022)].
97. 張嘉玲與王玉安,2019,「農作物產銷平衡分析」,申雍(主編),農業氣象觀測及應用手冊,228-250,台中:國立中興大學環境保育暨防災科技研究中心。

98. Chang, C.-L., S.-H. Hsu and M. McAleer, 2019, “Asymmetric Risk Impacts of Chinese Tourists to Taiwan”, International Journal of Tourism Research (Wiley), 2019(September/October), 21(5), 718-734. [ISI impact factor: 4.6 (2022)].

99. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2019, "Modeling Latent Carbon Emission Prices for Japan: Theory and Practice”, Energies, (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2019(November), 12(21), 4222, 1-21. [ISI impact factor: 3.2 (2022)].
100. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer, and V. Ramos, 2020, “A Charter for Sustainable Tourism after COVID-19”, Sustainability (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2020(May), 12(9:3671), 1-4. [ISI impact factor: 3.9 (2022)].
101. Chang, C.-L. and M. McAleer, 2020, “Alternative global health security indexes for risk analysis of COVID-19”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2020(May), 17(9:3161), 1-18.
102. Chang, C.-L., M. McAleer, and W. K. Wong, 2020, “Risk and Financial Management of COVID-19 in Business, Economics and Finance, Journal of Risk and Financial Management (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2020(May), 13(5:102), 1-4 [Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) - Web of Science and Scopus]..

103.  Chang, C.-L.* and D. H. Vo, 2020, “A Note on Contemporary Issues in Business and Economics in Vietnam and Other Asian Emerging Markets”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2020(May), 13(6:109), 1-4.
104. Chang, C.-L., J. Ilomaki, H. Laurila, and M. McAleer, 2020, “Causality between CO2 Emissions and Stock Markets”, Energies (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2020 (June), 13(11), 2893 1-14. [ISI impact factor: 3.2 (2022)].
105. Chang, C.-L., J. Ilomaki, H. Laurila, and M. McAleer, 2020, “Market Timing with Moving Averages for Fossil Fuel and Renewable Energy Stocks”, Energy Reports (Elsevier), 2020(November), 6, 1798-1810.  [ISI impact factor: 5.2 (2022)].

106. Chang, C.-L., 2020, “Editorial for Applied Econometrics”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2020 (August), 13(9:187), 1-5.
107. Chang, C.-L.*, M. McAleer and Y.-A. Wang, 2020, “Herding Behaviour in Energy Stock Markets During the Global Financial Crisis, SARS, and Ongoing COVID-19”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 2020 (December), 134 (110349), 1-15. [ISI impact factor: 15.9 (2022)].
108. Suriyanrattakorn S. and C.-L. Chang, “Long-term care (LTC) policy in Thailand on the Homebound and Bedridden Elderly Happiness, Health Policy (Elsevier),  2021 (January), 2 (100026), 1-7. [ISI impact factor: 3.3 (2022)]. 

109. Velasco, J. M.*, W.-C. Tseng and C.-L. Chang, "Factors Affecting the Cases and Deaths of COVID-19 Victims", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) (MDPI, Open Access Journal), 2021(January) 18(2), 674, 1-10.

110. Asai, M.*, C.-L. Chang, M. McAleer, and L. Pauwels, 2021, “Asymptotic and Finite Sample Properties for Multivariate Rotated GARCH Models”, Econometrics, 9(2:21): 1-21 (MDPI, Open Access Journal) [ISI impact factor: 1.5 (2022)].

111. Suriyanrattakorn, S. and C.-L. Chang*. 2021. "Valuation of Trust in Government: The Wellbeing Valuation Approach" Sustainability (MDPI, Open Access Journal),13(19:11000): 1-14. [ISI impact factor: 3.9 (2022)].

112. 張嘉玲,2021,「後疫情時代能源轉型與經濟復甦」,人文與社會科學簡訊,22(4):84-95。

113. Chang, C.-L.*, J. Ilomaki, and H. Laurila, 2021, “Leaning against the Bubble: Central Bank Intervention in Walrasian Asset Markets Chang,”, Risks, 9(12), 214, 1-12. (MDPI, Open Access Journal). [ISI impact factor: 2.2 (2022)].

114. Andersen, T.G.*, C.-L. Chang, and S. Ling, 2022, “Time series analysis of higher moments and distributions of financial data: An Overview”, Journal of Econometrics (Elsevier), 227(1): 1-3. [ISI impact factor: 6.3 (2022)].
115. Asai, M., C.-L. Chang*, M. McAleer, 2022, “Realized matrix-exponential stochastic volatility with asymmetry, long memory and higher-moment spillovers”, Journal of Econometrics (Elsevier), 227(1): 285-304. [ISI impact factor: 6.3 (2022)].

116. Asai, M., C.-L. Chang*, M. McAleer, and L. Pauwels, 2022, “A New Structural Multivariate GARCH-BEKK Model: Causality of Green, Sustainable and Fossil Energy ETFs”, Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications (Taylor & Francis), 8(2):215-233. [Scopus].
117. Roengchai, T, and C.-L. Chang, 2022, “Latent carbon emission pricing model for Thailand: A nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag model”, Energy Reports (Elsevier), 8(Supplement 10): 768-775. [ISI impact factor: 5.2 (2022)].
118. Suriyanrattakorn, S., and C.-L. Chang*, 2022, “Does life satisfaction vary with income inequality and social mobility?”, Social Sciences & Humanities Open (Elsevier), 6(1) (100326): 1-10.
119. Chen, N. and C.-L, Chang*, 2022, “International Comparison of the Animal Welfare Policies for Laying Hens”, Chinese Society of Animal Science, 50(4): 237-341. (in Chinese).
120. Chang, C.-L., Y.-H. Wanga and K.-I. Changa, 2022, “Revival Duration and Determinants of ASEAN Machinery Trade During COVID-19 Pandemic and the Global Financial Crisis”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (Taylor & Francis), 59(4): 1089-1103. [ISI impact factor: 4.0 (2022)].

121. Chen, N. and C.-L. Chang*, 2024, “Technical efficiency of biosecurity and animal welfare in the Taiwan egg industry”, Applied Economics (Taylor & Francis),. 56(53), 6730-3749. [ISI impact factor: 2.2 (2022)]
122. Chang, C.-C. and C.-L. Chang*, 2024, “A Global Study of Screening Intensity and Economic Status on Epidemic Control Performance During Various Epidemic Periods of COVID-19 Mutant Strains”, Risk Analysis (Wiley), 44(7): 1605-1615. [ISI impact factor: 3 (2023)]
123. Velasco, Jerald M., W.-C. Tseng, Y.-H. Chang, Y.-W. Chiueh, W.-Y. Liu, and C.-L. Chang*, 2024, “Willingness to Pay for the Conservation of Endangered Frog Species in Taiwan” Natural Resource Modeling (Wiley). 37(3):1-25. [ISI impact factor: 1.6 (2022)]. Forthcoming: DOI: 10.1111/nrm.12395
124. Kung-Ching Wang, Chia-Lin Chang, Sung-Hsi Wei, Chao-Chin Chang, 2024 “The Study on Setting Priorities of Zoonotic Agents for Medical Preparedness and Allocation of Research Resources, PLoS ONE (PLOS), 19(4):e0299527. [ISI impact factor: 3.752 (2024)]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299527.
125. Awoke, W and C.-L. Chang, 2024 “The impact of globalization on economic growth: insights from sub-Saharan Africa (1971-2019).”, African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND (the Africa Scholarly Science Communications Trust (ASSCAT), 24(7), 27998-24019. [Scopus]. https://doi.org/10.18697/ajfand.132.24910
126. Chang, C.-L., J. Ilomaki*, and H. Laurila, 2024, “Has the EU Emissions Trading System Worked Properly?”, Energies, 17(15), 3651. (MDPI, Open Access Journal). [ISI impact factor: 3.0 (2023)]. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17153651.

127. Wang, Y.-A. and  C.-L. Chang*, "Portfolio Selection from Risk Transfer Mechanisms in a Time of Crisis for Renewable Energy Markets,  Journal of Climate Finance  (Elsevier), forthcoming.

Working Papers:
RePEc Author page: https://ideas.repec.org/f/pch286.html
ISI Citation Metrics on my ISI Author page:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-2679-2010    
Microsoft Academic Author page: https://academic.microsoft.com/#/detail/2165159043

Encyclopaedia page:  https://encyclopedia.pub/653  

1. “From AgriTech to Sustainability of Agribusiness-Reviews Innovation, Productivity and Sustainability in Food and Agriculture”, The 6th International Agriculture Innovation Conference 2021 (IAIC 2021), International Association for Agriculture Sustainability: Asia Insight (IAAS, Asia Insight), Tokyo, Japan, September 2021 (invited speaker).

2.“The Outlook of New Agricultural Trends in the 21st century from the New Global Agricultural Policy”, Grasp the Southern Business Opportunities and Connecting International Trends-New Agricultural Trend, Fengle Pingtung" Webinar 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2021 (Keynote speaker).

3. “New Agricultural Innovation with Green Energy and a Circular (GC) Economic System”, APEC Workshop on Practices and Promotion of Circular Agriculture, Chinese Taipei, November 24, 2021.

4. “Circular Economy", APEC Policy Partnership on Food Security Plenary Meeting, Thailand, February 15, 2022.  (invited speaker)

5. 「Sustainable Financial Innovation: Building a Green Financial Ecosystem」, 2024 The Conference of 2024 Central Taiwan Finance Academic Alliance Symposium (CTFA), May 10, 2024. (Keynote speaker)

Participation in Government Projects:
  • 2023-2025 “Evaluate International Net-Zero Emissions Commitments: Application of Multi-criteria Decision-Making Methodology to Build Economic Prospects Indicators and Counterfactual Decomposition for Global Carbon Emissions Reduction Performance”, Funded by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan (total value of NT$1,455,000).
  • 2021-2023 「Counterfactual Decomposition of the Own Brand Strategy Impact on Vendor Performance」Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$1,942,000)
  • 2020-2021「Comparing Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Difference in Differences (DID) on R&D Treatment Effects with Dynamic Panels」Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$1,197,000)
  • 2019-2020「Pricing Latent Carbon Emissions through a Production Function: Theory and Practice」Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$711,000)
  • 2017-2018 “Granger Causality and Volatility Spillovers in Spot and Futures Prices of Carbon Emissions, Crude Oil, Coal and Green Energy ETFs”, Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$965,000).
  • 2017-2018 “An Analysis of Industry Supply Chain between Taiwan and ASEAN and South Asia”. Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$494,000).
  • 2016-2017 “Expected Shortfall or VaR in Basel III: A Stochastic Dominance Approach (total value of NT$970,000).
  • 2015-2016 “The Difference-in-differences Model as a Correction for Sample Selection Bias in Foreign Technology Purchases (total value of NT$881,000).
  • 2014-2015 “The Treatment Effect of Foreign Technology Purchase- Propensity Score Matching”, Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$831,940).
  • 2013-2014 “Industrial agglomeration and Internet penetration: Substitution or Complementary?”, Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$944,000).
  • 2012-2013 “International Knowledge Spillover: International Technology Cooperation, Foreign Direct Investment and Trade”, Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$870,000).
  • 2011-2012 “Vertical Disintegration, Agglomeration and Productivity”, Funded by  the National Science Council, Taiwan” (total value of NT$657,000).
  • 2008-2009 “Temporal and Spatial Aggregation of Sustainable International Tourist Arrivals to Taiwan”, Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan” (total value of NT$ 848,000).
  • 2007-2008 “Industrial Agglomeration, R&D Intensity and Technological Change”, Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$ 646,000).
  • 2007-2008 “Shortening the Gap Between Rural and Urban Regions: The Industrial Policy in the Main OECD Countries”, Funded by the Council for Economic Planning and Development, Taiwan (with Jong-Wen Wann, Chi-Chung Chen and Ta-Jung Lu and Cheng-Yih Hong).
  • 2006-2007 “The Impact of Taiwan’s Innovation Policy on Firm Productivity Growth in the 1990s”, Funded by the National Science Council, Taiwan (total value of NT$ 563,000).