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論文口試注意事項彙整 The notes for oral defense
   The assessment and procedures for candidate of applied economics Ph.D. -2023 Mar. 09th version     
    The assessment and procedures for master students of the applied economics -2018 May. 10th version 

申請口試/辦理離校所需文件資料及相關辦法 Needed documents and related regulations for applying for oral defenses/leaving school:
1.口試申請書 Oral test application form 
2.口試委員聘函及明細表The invitation to thesis oral defense 
3.評分單 Evaluation form of oral test 
4.考試結果通知書:碩士班考試結果通知書:博士班  Examination Result Notice →106學年度第二學期新增論文原創性比對項目
5.會議紀錄-系訂   Meeting minutes of oral defense the format designed by the department
6.口試委員簽名單  The signature list of oral defense committee
7.系訂表格:論文考試修改意見表   The format designed by the department:
Opinion form of oral defense committee
8.系訂表格:論文完成同意書   The format designed by the department:
Consent form of completion of thesis writing
9.離校手續單  The list of graduation procedures
10.論文電子檔 Digital file of thesis
11.論文紙本3本(學校2本、系上1本) 3 hard copies of your thesis,2 for the school and 1 for your department
12.歸還從所圖借閱之書籍 Return all borrowed books from library
13.門禁卡、鑰匙 Door card, key
14.國立中興大學應用經濟學系博士學位候選人資格考核實施辦法  National Chung Hsing University Department of Applied Economics PhD Application Regulations