The department aims at high quality teaching and research, recruiting and educating economic professionals and researchers to meet the demand of socio economic development.
The department focuses on the development and nurturing of talents, which is divided into three majors areas: "teaching and academic research," "university-industry cooperation and exchanges Alumni" and "Future Development":
First, teaching and academic research
1. The Department provides students with competitive ability in the workplace, teaching and research in three areas of the core curriculum, including agricultural economics, resources and environment economics, industrial economics.
2. With long-term direction and teaching research, through participative research projects, the Department enable student acquire the ability to fully play a leadership role in the professional field.
3. Encourage and facilitate international exchanges and training opportunities for the young talents in academic research.
4. Promote international academic exchange and cooperation with advanced countries, provides lectures and speeches from well-known experts and scholars, as well as contributing in training and short-term graduate study abroad.
Teachers in this Department commit in academic research, publishing in domestic and foreign academic journals, and participating in the international seminars. The faculty of the department published 236 journals articles, 99 conference papers including 38 papers in international proceedings, from 2009 to 2019. In addition, we hosted and participated in a total of 143 research projects and achieved substantial results.
The Department started to publish in agricultural economics journal in January 1963. The journal has since been renamed "the Taiwan Journal of Applied Economics". In Jan. 2022, the journal has already published 1110 articles. A publication is released every June and December. This journal has been growing in reputation as it entered the rank of the very few domestic Economic journals listed in the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index "TSSCI ".
Second, the university-industry cooperation and exchanges Alumni
1. The active participation at different levels on private sector and government agencies, by providing adequate solutions to face encountered difficulties
2. Strengthening the domestic academic institutions as well as public and private sector with foreign cooperative education and extension services, by increasing internships opportunities for students.
3. Widening student vision and communication skills
On the one hand, strengthen relationship between students and Alumni and Friends through interactive communication and share of experience.
On the other hand, maintaining the fine tradition of strong bond between teachers and students as "Family" through academic tutoring and life guidance, thereby provide employment opportunities and industry cooperation.
Third, the future development
a. Balanced development of the agricultural economics, industrial economics, and environmental resources economics.
b. Encourage abroad studies, by exchange program with lectures given by overseas outstanding economists in order to accelerate internationalization
c. Promote collaboration between industry and the department, by combining theoretical and practical knowledge.
2. Long-term
a. Become an outstanding center of Applied Economic Research in Taiwan.
b. Become an advisory institute of national economic policies.
c. Become a leader of collaboration and connection with the international society of Applied Economics.