The Origin of Farm Service Group
“Farm Service Group”, which is a peculiar volunteer organization in National Chung Hsing University Applied Economics Department, aims to inspire volunteers’ potential capability of innovation and self-learning. “Farm Service Group” has been established for tenth years and then we have served at Dona aboriginal tribe, Fung-Lin Presbyterianism, Namasia aboriginal tribe, Boai elementary school, Nan-He elementary school, Shilin elementary school and Ren-ai elementary school in the past eight years. In the ninth year, we had a volunteer service at Min-He elementary school, Shuili Township, Nantou County. In the tenth year, we had a volunteer service at Tong-Tou elementary school, Zhushan Township, Nantou County. We hope that we have an opportunity to have a volunteer service to more and more suburban elementary school students.
The Purpose of Farm Service Group
Through interaction and communication in activities, Student at Chung Hsing University and suburban elementary school can share their experience to each other. At the same time, urban elementary school students participate in this summer camp to conduct culture exchange with other countries. We have a various types of training to those who are new to Farm Service Group, including teaching skills and the ability to cope with every kind of adversity during the summer camp.
The most distinctive component from other service group is that all volunteers in Farm Service Group are majoring in Applied Economics Department. With accommodating students and supports from professors, we establish Farm Service Group of Applied Economics Department. This summer camp is in July and most volunteers are freshmen at college. They are led by experienced supervisors and prepare activities for a half year. In particular, we have an intensive training for one week before the summer camp to demonstrate our best performance to the public.