Admission Undergraduate
Applied Economics Undergraduate Information
1. Admission:
(1) Individual Applicant
- 17~20 places of Individual Applicant for Bachelor's degree.
- Application duration: Every year in early March ~middle of April.
- Grading : College Entrance Exam Score 、Interview
(2) Multi-Star Project
- 8 places of Multi-Star Project for Bachelor's degree.
- Application duration: Every year in early March ~middle of March.
- Grading : School Academic Achievements Ranking and College Entrance Exam Score (Chinese、English、Math)
(3) College Entrance Examination In Specified Subjects
- 17 places of College Entrance Examination In Specified Subjects for Bachelor's degree.
- Application duration: Every year in middle of July ~middle of August.
- Grading : Score of College Entrance Examination In Specified Subjects (Chinese、English and Math )
2. Professors:
The department has 13 full time staff as followed: 8 Professors; 4 Associate Professors; 1 Assistants Professor
More information:
Faculty of 106 Academic Year
Full-time professors: 13
Professors: 7
Associate Professors: 4
Assistant Professors: 2
Adjunct Professors: 2
Professor (joint appointment): 1
3. Courses:
Courses for first semester :
- Principles of Economics / Accounting(I) / Calculus (I) / Microeconomics / Macroeconomics / Statistics(I) / Agricultural Economics / Economic Development / International Economics(I) / Input-Output Analysis / Project Study and Planning / Economics of Outdoor Recreation / Applied Economic Project Lecture (I) / Insurance / Agricultural Policies and Regulations / Game Theory (I) / Thesis
Courses for second semester:
- Calculus(II) / Principles of Economics / Data Processing / Mathematical Methods for Economic Study / Introduction to Applied Economics / Accounting(II) / Macroeconomics / Microeconomics / Economics of Industrial Organization / Statistics(II) / Land Economics (I) / Business Management(I) / Quantitative Approaches to Management and Decision Making / International Trade Practice / Financial Statement Analysis / Money and Banking / Economic Forecasting Methods / Recreation Farm Management / Health Economics / Advanced Nature Resource and Environmental Economics (I) / Industries in Bio-economy / Ecological Economics(I) / Applied Economic Project Lecture (I)
More information:
Undergraduate Courses Map
4. Degree awarded:
The minimum required credits: 129 credits included school compulsory courses: 0 credits(PE courses, Service-Learning and English Test), 28 common compulsory courses (College Chinese &English): 10 credits , General Education credits (Humanistic & Social &Natural): 18 credits, dept. compulsory courses: 67 credits(Common Compulsory courses:49 credits & Compulsory Elective courses: 18 credits) and elective courses: 34 credits .( Other department elective maximum:18 credits and Dept. elective minimum:16 credits)
More information:
Graduation Requirements
5. Employment Status of Graduate:
University Graduate employment status in this past five years:
27% - Finance and Insurance
20% - Science and technology industry / Manufacturing
19% -Civil servant / Public Sector
16% - Schools and Research Institutions
16% - Others
2% - Start own business
6. Continue Master Degree:

The ratio of the department of Masters :
22%- Finance
15%- Business management
13%- Economics
11%-Applied Economics
11%-Agriculture Economics
7%- International Business Management
3%- Quantitative Finance
2%- Statistic