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廖述誼 (
Shu-Yi Liao )
886-4-22840349 ext 208、238
開授課程: |
經歷: |
國立中興大學應用經濟學系 副教授
國立中興大學應用經濟學系 助理教授
加州能源委員會 (California Energy Commission) 能源經濟研究員
國立成功大學資源工程所 專任研究助理 |
研究領域: |
能源經濟與政策 自然資源與環境經濟 區域經濟 |
期刊論文: |
- Tran, B.-L., W.-C. Tseng, C.-C. Chen, and S.-Y. Liao, 2020. “Estimating the Threshold Effects of Climate on Dengue: A Case Study of Taiwan,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4): 1392. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17041392 (SSCI)
- Chen, Y.-J., S. M. Hsu, S.-Y. Liao, T.-C. Chen, and W.-C. Tseng, 2019. “Natural Gas or Algal Reef: Survey-Based Valuations of Pro-Gas and Pro-Reef Groups Specifically for Policy Advising,” Energies 2019, 12, 4682; doi:10.3390/en12244682 (SCI)
- Lee, H.-H., C.-H. Liang, S.-Y. Liao, and H.-S. Chen, 2019. “Analyzing the Intention of Consumer Purchasing Behaviors in Relation to Internet Memes Using VAB Model,” Sustainability 2019, 11, 5549; doi:10.3390/su11205549 (SSCI)
- Liao, S.-Y., L.-H. Wang, and M.-L. Huang, 2019. “Does More Consumption Promote Real GDP Growth?” Scottish Journal of Political Economy 66(3): 348-403. (SSCI)
- Lia, Y.-L., Y.-J. C, and S.-Y. Liao, 2019. “An Integrated Assessment of Energy Crops Production in Taiwan,” Modern Economy 10: 1430-1445. (Econ Lit)
- Liao, S.-Y., L.-H. Wang, and M.-L. Huang, 2019. “Does More Consumption Promote Real GDP Growth?” Scottish Journal of Political Economy, DOI: 10.1111/sjpe.12189 (SSCI)
- Liao, S.-Y., C.-C., Chen, and C.-S. Hsu, 2018. “The Non-Linear Relationship between Electricity Consumption and Temperature in Taiwan: An Application for STR (Smooth Transition Regression) Model,” Modern Economy 9: 587-605. (EconLit)
- Liao, S.-Y., S.-T. Chen, M.-L. Huang, 2016. “Will the oil price change damage the stock market in a bull market? A re-examination of their conditional relationships," Empirical Economics, 50(3): 1135-1169. (SSCI)
- Huang, M.-L., S.-Y. Liao, and K.-C. Lin. 2015. "Augmented Half-Life Estimation Based on High-Frequency Data," Journal of Forecasting 34:523-532 (SSCI)
- Ueasin, N., S.-Y. Liao, and A. Wongchai.2015. "The Technical Efficiency of Rice Husk Power Generation in Thailand: Comparing Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis," Energy Procedia 75: 2757-2763 (Scopus)
- 許家勝、陳吉仲、柳婉郁、廖述誼,2014,「農業環境給付政策之研究—以有機稻米與水稻田為例」, 農業與經濟, 第53期, 第55-92頁。 (TSSCI)
- Hwang, W.-Y., S.-Y. Liao, and M.-L. Huang. 2013. "Real Option, Human Capital Investment Returns and Higher Educational Policy," Economic Modelling 31: 447-452 (SSCI)
- Rose, A., S.-Y. Liao, and A. Bonneau. 2011. "Regional Economic Impacts of a Verdugo Scenario Earthquake Disruption of Los Angeles Water Supplies: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis," Earthquake Spectra 27(3): 881-906 (SCI)
- Ueasin, N., P. Phasuk., S.-Y. Liao., and R. Dokmaithes. 2011. "Biomass Electricity Production in Northeast Thailand: Sustainable Development of Rice Husk Power Plants," International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Sustainable Development (EI)
- Liao, S.-Y. and N. Ueasin. 2011. "Renewable Energy Development in Thailand: A Case Study on Biomass and Biogas Power Generation," International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EI)
- Liao, S.-Y., M.-L. Huang, and L.-H. Wang. 2011. "Mean-Reverting Behavior of Consumption-Income Ratio in OECD Countries: Evidence from SURADF Panel Unit Root Tests," Economics Bulletin (EconLit)
- Liao, S.-Y., Y.-Y., Lin, and W.-C. Tseng. 2010. "A Random Rationing Mechanism Which Reduces the Risks of No Son Left at Home," Defence and Peace Economics (SSCI) (DOI: 10.1080/10242694.2010.491686)
- Liao, S.-Y., C.-C. Chen, and S.-H. Hsu. 2010. "Estimating the Value of El Nino Southern Oscillation Information in a Regional Water Market with Implications for Water Management," Journal of Hydrology 394: 347-356. (SCI)
- Liao, S.-Y., W.-C. Tseng, P.-Y. Chen, C.-C. Chen, and W.-M. Wu. 2010."Estimating the Economic Impact of Climate Change on Cardiovascular Diseases—Evidence from Taiwan, " International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 7: 4250-4266. (SCI)
- Liao, S.-Y., W.-C. Tseng, and C.-C. Chen. 2010. "Eliciting public preference for nuclear energy against the backdrop of global warming," Energy Policy 38: 7054-7069. (SSCI)
- Liao, S.-Y., S.-T. Chen, and C.-C. Chen. 2010. "R&D, Market Power, and Trade— The Case of Soybeans," 應用經濟論叢 (TSSCI)
- 廖述誼、陳盛通、郭曉怡、陳吉仲、蔡燕宗, 2010.「評估實施碳稅對國內電力部門之影響」, 農業與經濟, 第44期, 第39-74頁。 (TSSCI)
- Liao, S.-Y., S.-T. Chen, and C.-C. Chen. 2010. "Modelling the ENSO Forecast on Soybean Spot and Future Prices," 農林學報, 第59卷, 第2期, 第91-103頁。
- Liao, S.-Y. 2009. "Dynamic Efficiency of CO2 Emission Permit Trading beyond Kyoto: Implications for Asian Countries," 農業經濟叢刊, 第15卷, 第1期, 第147-193頁。(TSSCI)
- Liao, S.-Y. and A. Rose. 2009. "Assessing the Impacts of Carbon Emission Reduction Policy on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Economy: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis," in A. Rose (ed.), The Economics of Climate Change Policy, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Company.
- Rose, A., G. Oladosu, and S.-Y. Liao. 2007. "Business Interruption Impacts of a Terrorist Attack on the Electric Power System of Los Angeles: Customer Resilience to a Total Blackout," Risk Analysis 27(3): 513-531. (SCI)
- Rose, A., G. Oladosu, and S.-Y. Liao. 2006. "Regional Economic Impacts of a Terrorist Attack on the Water System of Los Angeles: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis," in H. Richardson, P. Gordon, and J. Moore (eds.), The Economic Costs and Consequences of Terrorism, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Company.
- Rose A., and S.-Y. Liao. 2005. "Modeling Regional Economic Resiliency to Earthquakes: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Water Service Disruptions," Journal of Regional Science 45: 75-112. (SSCI)
- 廖述誼、林唐裕,2005,「歐美天然氣輸儲系統容量分配模式之探討」,能源季刊,第35卷,第1期,第74-89頁。
政府計畫: |
- 2014 廖述誼「高等教育擴張對台灣鄉村與城市勞動市場之影響」 <國科會 MOST 103-2410-H-005-002>
- 2013 廖述誼 「恐怖分子攻擊超高商業大樓對台灣經濟可能造成之影響」 <國科會 NSC 102-2410-H-005-048>
- 2013 陳吉仲、廖述誼「強化合理化施肥政策之研究」<行政院農委會>
- 2012 陳吉仲、廖述誼、柳婉郁 「我國環境友善農業經營直接給付之研究」 <行政院農委會>
- 2011 廖述誼「地震引起之電力中斷對台灣可能造成之一般均衡經濟衝擊」<國科會 NSC 100-2410-H-005-019〉
- 2010 廖述誼「莫拉克颱風對台灣南部地區所造成之經濟影響分析:動態區域可計算一般均衡模型之應用 」<國科會 NSC 99-2410-H-005-062〉
- 2010 陳家榮、鄭蕙燕、廖述誼 「雲林離島工業區之發展對社會經濟及漁業經濟之影響 (2/2)」〈經濟部工業局〉
- 2009 廖述誼「綠色造林對台灣土地利用、農業、能源、環境及經濟之影響分析」<國科會 NSC 98-2410-H-005-041〉
- 2009 陳家榮、鄭蕙燕、廖述誼 「雲林離島工業區之發展對社會經濟及漁業經濟之影響 (1/2)」〈經濟部工業局〉
- 2004–2009 Rose, A., G. Oladosu, and S.-Y. Liao. Analyzing Threats to the Economy Through Computable General Equilibrium Analysis < Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE), US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), USA >
- 2008 廖述誼「種植能源作物對台灣農業、能源、環境及經濟可能造成之影響」<國科會 NSC 97-2410-H-005-009〉
- 2008 陳家榮、廖述誼「金屬價格預測方法論」〈財團法人金屬工業研究中心〉 2007 陳筆等 「天然氣供需規劃及代輸制度之研究」<經濟部能源局>
- 2007 黃琮琪等 「H5與H7對重要產業影響之經濟分析」<行政院農委會動植物防疫檢疫局>
- 2006 曾偉君、廖述誼、陳吉仲、鄭蕙燕 「森林遊樂區定價策略與準則」<行政院農委會林務局>
- 2004 林唐裕等 「世界主要國家天然氣產業政策暨相關法規之研究」<經濟部能源局>
- 2003-2006 陳家榮等 「石油策略研究中心專案計畫」<經濟部能源局>
- 2003-2004 蕭景楷、廖述誼 「國家災害防究科技中心—中區協力機構計畫社經組」 < 國家災害防究科技中心 >